Branch History

The first organizational meeting to establish a Livonia Branch of AAUW was held at the home of Barbara Medwedeff on January 25, 1971 at the urging and support of her Farmington Branch members.  Barbara was active in AAUW in Delaware before moving to the Livonia area and joined the Farmington Branch because there was no branch in Livonia.  At the time of the organizational meeting Barbara was Vice President of the Farmington Branch.  Twelve women present voted to support a Livonia Branch. The recommendation to the national AAUW board was submitted by Helen Timmons, State President and President of the Ann Arbor Branch, who was the speaker for the evening.

At the 2nd meeting on February 16, 1971 at Karen Young’s home, it was announced that the national AAUW board had approved the recommendation.  Temporary officers were elected including  Bylaws, Publicity and Nominating Committee chairs.

A 3rd meeting was held on March 16, 1971 at Betty Crick’s home to review the AAUW Constitution and to distribute membership applications.

At the 4th and final organizational meeting on April 20, 1971 at the home of Joyce Fellows the bylaws were accepted, member applications completed, dues collected, and officers elected.

The application to form the Livonia Branch was completed and submitted, along with the 33 member applications and dues, to national on April 27, 1971.  It was received and approved on April 29, 1971, making Livonia an official branch of AAUW.

At the April 30 – May 1, 1971 AAUW Michigan State Convention held at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. Helen Timmons announced the new Livonia Branch and presented a gavel to our first President, Mary Lodge.